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Jumping training


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Hey Twist. Sorry your question got overlooked for a couple of days.

Have you tried simply holding a dumbell in each hand, and jumping as high as you can? It's a lot harder than it sounds, particularly when you do a set of 12 consecutive reps. I reckon that would be good for you.

The other exercise you could try is thrusters. If you find doing these tires out your shoulders before your legs, that would be quite normal. But in your case, since you want primarily to work the legs, you could pre-fatigue them with squats and jumps first.

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box jumps brah!!

Do multiple sets, each set going higher, final set is the max you can do 1 jump.  This will slowly improve :)


I'm 5'11 and I can box jump over 4 foot.  Make it a regular part of legs day - I have two legs days- one concentrates on higher reps and explosive movements, the other is heavy squats and leg press.  I don't even play basketball - play hockey - just like being able to jump high and catch people mirin ;)

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just like being able to jump high and catch people mirin Wink

Hah, yep, I'd be one of those mirin people! Are you talking about the height-adjustable Rebok steppers?


I've seen people stack them up to chest height, and jump up on them from a standing start. Not only is it a massive vertical jump, you also have to stabilise and land vertically - any forward movement, and you'll tip the stack over. I was definitely mirin these guys.

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  • 1 month later...

Have you ever heard of pogo jumps? I've just started including them as part of my bodyweight workout and they are great for building power in your calves, here's how:

Keeping your knees almost straight but without your kneecaps locked, repeatedly jump as high as possible as quickly as you can without allowing your heels to touch the ground. This is a good warm-up for more advanced athletes and a good exercise to develop power in your calves.

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