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Hi Ladies,

A question about pregnancy. I competed for the first time in Oct, in Nov I found I was expecting, its great news but I am funding it very hard to come off a competition and then into a pregnancy without my weight climbing climbing climbing-I really want to gain inly whats healthy so I dont have heaps of work ahead of me when I compete again in 2012. Any tips?

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Thanks Vampirechick I will make contact.

Thanks Mike- yes baby is forefront in my mind and I want to do the absolute best for him/her. when I competed I was down to a no carb diet and now that I have a more moderate approach I have gained nearly 10kg in 2 mths so its about remaining healthy not too worried about competing at this stage.

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The bounce back can't be helped but over the years ive managed to keep it to 5kg add on, I know how the 10kg add on feels, its really hard to get that much weight off come comp time. Yes there are certainly things you can do to minimise the baby weight while remaining healthy and keeping baby well.

You will still be able to train as you have been for quite some time yet, the only thing you have to be careful of, is overheating, try not to over sweat on cardio sessions and keep your fluids up. Listen to your body. If you have trained with weights pre-pregnancy then there is no reason why you cannot continue, just keep safety in mind and no excessive straining. Later on down the track (over 6mths) there will be loosening of ligaments occuring, and that is when you need to ease off a little. With my 3 children, I kept training up until 8 mths, obviously any supine positions are out and abs were impossible.

All the best.

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well I'm a nursing student and we learnt that the baby + fluid weighs around 10 to 12 kgs so you should only gain a max of 15 to 20kgs. HOWEVER this is like the one size fits all standard so i don't know how it relates to a pregnant bber and factors such as ethnicity can affect how much weight you will put on.

hopefully that helps :)

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Thanks Cantygirl.

How were you able to keep it at 5kg?

do you mind me asking how much you gained in pregnancy and how soon you were back training?

Thank you this is all really helpful

Hi NewoneDn, this year after competing I decided instead of reverting back to "normal" eating, i have kept my base food the same with lots of protein and also added back in toast, yoghurt, cereal, the odd coffee and cake, sweets in moderation. So far I am doing well, I also only dropped half of my cardio off because I consider it great leg training but I think it keeps the weight balance under control. Yesterday for instance, I was shopping with hubby, we had a yummy coffee and shared a piece of slice, so I didn't go home like I normally would and also consume afternoon tea, you see im such a pig and I love food, but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Like you im also 5ft4" and would comfortably sit at 63kg, im keeping it at 59kg from now on, if it gets up into the 60's, I cut back on the junk for a few days.

I gained in pregnancy because I was always told "you're eating for 2 now" and stupidly I believed them and also that breastfeeding was the answer to my prayers -wrong. You eat more because your hungry and sitting around feeding baby takes time and you get bored and have handy snacks about. If i knew then what I now know, I would have saved myself a few years of weight misery. Also I ate huge portions at night, almost the same size meal as my husband.

I was back to training within 6-8wks post delivery and I had c-sections with each baby. I use to be at the gym at night when the house was settled and my hudband was home from work.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks Cantygirl.

How were you able to keep it at 5kg?

do you mind me asking how much you gained in pregnancy and how soon you were back training?

Thank you this is all really helpful

Hi NewoneDn, this year after competing I decided instead of reverting back to "normal" eating, i have kept my base food the same with lots of protein and also added back in toast, yoghurt, cereal, the odd coffee and cake, sweets in moderation. So far I am doing well, I also only dropped half of my cardio off because I consider it great leg training but I think it keeps the weight balance under control. Yesterday for instance, I was shopping with hubby, we had a yummy coffee and shared a piece of slice, so I didn't go home like I normally would and also consume afternoon tea, you see im such a pig and I love food, but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Like you im also 5ft4" and would comfortably sit at 63kg, im keeping it at 59kg from now on, if it gets up into the 60's, I cut back on the junk for a few days.

I gained in pregnancy because I was always told "you're eating for 2 now" and stupidly I believed them and also that breastfeeding was the answer to my prayers -wrong. You eat more because your hungry and sitting around feeding baby takes time and you get bored and have handy snacks about. If i knew then what I now know, I would have saved myself a few years of weight misery. Also I ate huge portions at night, almost the same size meal as my husband.

I was back to training within 6-8wks post delivery and I had c-sections with each baby. I use to be at the gym at night when the house was settled and my hudband was home from work.

Hope this helps.

Wow- Cantygirl this is a huge help!

you sound exactly like me, I love LOVE food and would gladly eat what hubby has.

Im sitting at 66 at the moment, was 58 comp so have already gotten too high, I think after my first comp I went nuts on the carbs and ate nothing but carbs for 6 weeks, haha, I think if I wasn't pregnant Id sit happlily at the very early 60's.

Thank you very much, given me great perspective on how I can be healthy for baby but not lose sight of my own goals. I have been keeping up training like i have most weeks which is 5-6 days a week 45min cardio on cardio days (I was doing 2hrs comp time) and 3 on 1 off for weights, I will remain on a off season diet but if I feel like a treat Ill make sure that I compensate for it. I know that my weight will increase with baby and Im happy for it to happen but my aim is to keep it reasonable. Thank you very much for sharing!

Oh and I had c section last time and will this time and was back training 6 weeks too, plan this time round as well

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