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Do you get your bloods monitored privately or through GP?

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Every time I get my testosterone level checked, it costs $37, which I have paid three times for already out of my own pocket.

However, it seems like that even done privately, it attaches my NHI number. Yes I give my real name when I get my bloods done privately (otherwise if I were to present my Low T readings to my Endo, they wouldn't accept it).

I have some figures that are close to the cutoff point for the lowest level 8 and some that are above ten.

Since I got mine privately, if I were to show my GP/Endo for pushing a case for my low T, will they see the other results I would be hiding from them? Because they are all linked to my NHI?

Just curious for people that do take illegal non prescription steroids, do you tell your GP that you're doing it, so that you could get all the blood tests and monitoring for free?

How often do you get all your blood panel checked/what do you check? Also the same question if you're doing TRT.

I've heard that some guys go on cycle of test for 12 weeks and then once off (after the last shot, when will it be the lowest reading?), they bring the low t results to their endocrinologists to get Testosterone for life.

However, with that strategy, you will need to get your testosterone levels checked to see if the UGL is legit or not and if it is legit, and your levels have become >29, will it not be recorded permanently on your database and therefore, you will have no chance for getting TRT from an endo? Am I correct in how the system works?

NZ is literally the hardest place to get TRT so I'm assuming that once they find out you've been doing steroids, maybe they will prohibit you from obtaining forever, as mentioned by this article- https://www.steroid.com/blog/New-Zealand-Doctors-Catching-On-to-Bodybuilders-Trying-to-Trick-Them-Into-Prescribing-Steroids.php

So how does one go about employing such a strategy to get on TRT for life?



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Most GP's don't have the authority to prescribe testosterone for TRT, the same goes for SERM's, hCG, and AI's,...


You are referred to an Endocrinologist... (at great expense, with a minimum of 6 months testing before being prescribed hormones)...

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